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What is Coaching?


Coaching is a powerful human development tool that facilitates positive change, helps You to integrate different parts of Yourself and provides You with a structure of accountability. 

Coaching is a though-provoking and creative process that inspires people to maximize their personal and professional potential. Coach does not give advice, instead helps the client to find the answers from within through asking questions. Coach maintains a neutral non-judgemental position aiming to provide a safe space for the client. Coach believes that people have within themselves all the necessary resources.



Take the best out of your life


Start a business or enhance your business

I help dreamers and doers to gain clarity, develop resilience and adopt positive forward-focused mindset to face challenges, achieve goals and work towards building the life of their dreams.


Working with me will bring You the clarity and confidence You need to follow your heart and achieve what You want!

"Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen"

Johann Wolfgang Goethe



Born in Tallinn, Estonia. Living in Lisbon, Portugal since 2005. Life-long believer in the power of cultivating one´s internal resources to overcome challenges and to fulfil one´s dreams. After academic accomplishments (Doctoral degree in Management) and more than a decade of entrepreneurship experience, setting on a journey to become a life and business coach felt natural. I am partnering with people to take them to a journey of self-discovery aiming to design and achieve their personal and professional dreams. Following the solution-focused approach of Erickson Coaching and ICF guidelines in Estonian, English and Portuguese.

It was a good experience that

helped me remember

what had worked for me in the past

so that I can work on it again

to achieve my goal.

Sara, IT Process Manager (Portugal)

I want to start by expressing my gratitude for the AMAZING experience with

the coaching session Cleelia and I had.

Thank you very much! 

The coaching sessions were very engaging and very informative. I was going through a transition phase at work and struggling a bit with the change, but Cleelia really helped me to see  that we can change and improve ourselves with the proper attitude, reactions and the right words and mindset. 

Leonor, Administrative Specialist (Portugal)

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