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7 min read
How to Create A Balanced Life?
Each one of us has a unique formula for happy living. Balance is not something you find, it's something you create. (J.Kingsford)
5 min read
Why Owning Your Story Sets You Free
“When we deny the story it defines us, when we own the story, we can write a brave new ending.” (Dr. Brené Brown)
5 min read
How Your Mindset Can Help You To Turn Problems Into Possibilities
There is no doubt, that your mindset is the key to unlock the complexity of life. Sometimes, if not to say most of the time, life can get...
7 min read
How To Build Confidence When Starting Something New
In case you are, like most of us, still work in progress when it comes to confidence, do not worry at all. There is no behind in this game.
6 min read
Redefining Success On Your Own Terms
Redefining success on your own terms is about honouring your true self, your gifts and your dreams while letting go of external...
7 min read
Nurturing A Sense Of Belonging
You are responsible for your own expectations and feelings, thus ultimately also for nurturing your sense of belonging. We humans are...
7 min read
Do You Tend to Cultivate or Sabotage Your Joy?
Choosing joy is like checking in with yourself to confirm that you are fully awaken to life.
7 min read
Why Talking To A Life Coach Is Different From Chatting With A Friend
Friends are your tribe, a life coach can be the gateway to your authentic self.
6 min read
The Power of Clarity and Focus: How it Can Transform Your Life
Knowing our destination is the key to reaching our destination. Have You lately felt a bit lost or lacking clear direction? The high...
2 min read
Do You Know How To Protect Yourself From "Lockdown Burnout"?
Although one might think that burnout has nothing to do with working from home or staying home, it is not true in the current context.
2 min read
How Do You Usually Calm Your Monkey-Mind? 🐒
The buddhist term "monkey-mind" refers to restlessness, confusion, indecisiveness. Monkey-mind, the constant chatter of one's mind should...
1 min read
Are You Going to Invest In YOU In 2021?
Have You thought about investing in self-development? Self-development is about pursuing personal growth, it is about knowing oneself and...
2 min read
Is Willpower Standing Between You & Your Goals?
We all love to trick ourselves into believing that the year change brings something new and makes it easier to implement changes. Well,...
2 min read
Self-Awareness is Magic
Looking for some extra magic in our life for 2021? ✨ Believe it or not - there is some real magic in cultivating self-awareness. Simply...
1 min read
The Power of That First Step..
I have been a dreamer and a believer in the power of dreams since I remember. However, although the power of thought is an important...
2 min read
How Do You Climb a Mountain That High?
If we imagine our life as a journey on a road, every now and then, a mountain shows up blocking the way. It is just the way it is....
1 min read
"A Gate of Change"
“No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the...
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